It is the aim of St. George’s Primary school that every encouragement is given to all pupils to develop their skills at every level,
to promote the values of good sportsmanship and to make the team sports experience a rewarding and enjoyable one for all. Our approach to sport is inclusive.
We have a strong record of success at all levels whether friendly inter-school or subcounty, zonal, county sports. Every pupil in the school has the opportunity to play
in school fixtures across all three terms in all our major sports. Our main sports is Football, volleyball netball, athletics and swimming. It is intended that the experiences
offered through sport and other extra-curricular
activities develop the skills and attitudes conducive to involvement in an active and healthy lifestyle. Our games day is every Thursday from 3:10 Pm to 4:30PM. (Photos)
Our school trips are carefully planned and relates to a curriculum or project-based theme as well as year group bonding or outward bound to support team-building activities. It is our aim to enhance our pupil’s school experience by providing new and challenging opportunities to enable them to grow and develop into confident young people who are not frightened or intimidated about stepping out into the world. Our trips are fun filled and our pupils enjoy every bit. Learners visit different places each year. They include visits to famous Rift valley, Mombasa, Namanga, Nairobi and western Kenya. In addition, our teachers are taken for trips for motivation and benchmarking.
Pupils in our school engage easily with adults. Our staff is very approachable and they ensure that the children are aware of the fact that their teachers are there to
offer help or advice at any time, or simply to have a chat and a
laugh with. This is possible because trust is an inbuilt part of framework.
Any discipline concerns that arise amongst pupils are largely taken care of by the class teachers. The chance to talk things through is often enough to sort out most issues.
Likewise, children are always welcome to approach these members of staff directly.
We seek to enhance levels of confidence and self-esteem wherever possible amongst our pupils, as well as offering consistent reminders of the values required to be a moral
citizen. Our school assemblies reinforce important moral lessons and our focus on half termly values across the school
ensures that pupils and staff are regularly discussing and thinking about some of life’s most important values.
Regular communication with parents is a vital way for us to ensure that any potential problems are dealt with quickly and efficiently.
The happiness of our children here at St, Georges primary school is reflective of the success of the teamwork involved within school.
Every fortnight pupils meet as guidance and counselling groups where they air their issues and also get advises from teachers.
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